Lavender Moon candles and wax melts assist NDIS participants with emotional regulation, olfactory processing, and developing emotional self-regulation strategies within their home environment.

Our products are routinely tested within the neurodivergent community, including individuals with chronic migraines, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and other sensory sensitivities. This ensures our scents are more accessible, and less likely to trigger sensory sensitive individuals.

Our products can be purchased through NDIS "consumables" funding, by participants whose funding is Plan Managed or Self Managed. If your funding is Self Managed, you should be able to purchase our products through our online store, and use the email receipt to reimburse the funding to your account. If your funding is Plan Managed and you require a quote, please get in touch with us.

If you're unsure as to whether these products could assist you, we recommend you discuss them with an appropriate therapist. They may recommend completing a 'sensory profile assessment' and developing a 'sensory diet' - which could include the use of Lavender Moon products to assist with emotional regulation.




 " I absolutely love the Lavender Moon Candle Co products. As a neurodivergent gal I am very sensitive to smells which can work for and against me sometimes. I have often found myself collecting up candles because I love the way they look or smell in the shop before getting them home and realising they are way too overpowering or I can't handle that particular scent in my home environment. But I also know that my sense of smell is a great way to ground me as an ADHDer and keep me focused on my environment and the task at hand. 

Lavender Moon have struck the perfect balance with their products with nothing smelling offensive or overly strong, but also not smelling weak or disappearing into the scent background. I have picked certain candles/melts for certain tasks (for example, one for my current writing project, one for cleaning the kitchen, one for when I do Differently Brained admin) and it immediately helps me get into the mindset and focus on that task. This has been so helpful in getting me through the harder tasks I often struggle with, and also adds an element of excitement or luxury as I love having a candle going, especially when I'm working at a desk and can see the flames or the melting happening nearby. Scent association is something I hadn't tried since high school and I'm so glad I brought it back into my daily life with the Lavender Moon sample box. They also last aaaaaaaaaages so even the smaller sample candles get you through a solid chunk of hours. 

They've also been great for my household generally. My partner is super sensitive to scents and often has a hayfever/allergic reaction to candles/perfumes/just about anything that smells. He hasn't had a single sneeze over the Lavender Moon candles and melts and rest assured I have tested them thoroughly in his presence to double-check. 

I also love that they are pet-safe as we have two furry babies, a dog and a rabbit, who don't just seem to put up with the smell but actually like it too!

Lavender Moon Candle Co have been a win all round and I can't recommend them more highly for people who love candles and smells but have sensory (SCENTsory ha!) sensitivities"   

 - Jacinta Dietrich, founder, producer and co-host of Differently Brained Podcast


 " Immediately upon lighting a Lavender Moon scented candle I begin to feel myself growing calmer.

I’ve set it up in my periphery so I can glance over while I write so as to re-centre myself. The candle I chose is called ‘Tranquility’ (a combination of lavender, cucumber and sage) – it seemed appropriate for what I am always trying to seek. It is a gentle scent, free from anything harsh or artificial and it in combination with the presence of a soft warm light is, indeed, making me feel tranquil. With this said, the same is true of all of the candles and melts from Lavender Moon!

As someone who frequently becomes overwhelmed by thoughts and strong emotions, with my mind often spiraling out control, I hadn’t given much thought to lighting a candle as a ‘touchstone’ to help me ground myself. It is important, then, that Lavender Moon recognises this and has made the accessibility of their products to people with mental health issues or are neurodivergent part of their mission statement. I can confidently say that I’ve been converted to the idea of lighting a candle when I feel myself slipping too far under (or over, as is the nature of having bipolar disorder!).

It is a rare thing to find a company whose ethics are front-and-centre while also providing a great product. Lavender Moon excels in both areas!

- Lachlan Rutherford, editor and co-host of Differently Brained Podcast